“Adventure is not outside (wo)man; it is within.” ~ George Elliot
Here I sit, snuggled under a blanket with a wooly hat on (indoors) to write this post. It has a certain English romanticism to it as I hear the wind bluster outside the window and sip my fennel tea. It seems difficult to believe that this time two days ago I was deep in the Belizean jungle, learning how to make the most out of my business. I know all of us who attended are now feeling the same mixture of excitement about our businesses going forward, gratitude for the unique opportunity offered by the Catalyze Retreat and a certain amount of adjustment in returning to our daily routine.
The reason I chose this retreat and this business coaching was because of the unique combination it offered. All week we were asked to face our mentors and answer questions about our business that were often challenging and asked to make decisions and take action that we may have been too insecure to take, or at least were procrastinating over! The no-nonsense approach was extremely productive. Alongside this coaching, we were asked to undertake physical challenges also to help bed-in the progress we were making with our work. As a kinesthetic learner I know this is extremely effective for me. Each day was kicked off with a 75 minute group yoga practice designed to work and release muscles and build creative energy.
It was an awsome experience and the bond that grew between the seven of us on the course has given us an online community of like-minded companions for mutual support and encouragement along the way. We all came to the retreat at different stages with our business, but despite intitial nerves the respect and supportiveness shown amongst the group meant that we all felt we mapped out concrete steps to take on our return.
I saw some magical things while at Black Rock Lodge. I hiked through jungle to Summit 1, tubed down the Macal River, made friends with a snake, a tarantula and a toad, swam through the Mayan Underworld caves of Actun Tunichil Muknal and visited a natural pool that I have often dreamed of, but didn’t realise actually existed. I was brought deep into contact with my own purpose and asked if my current plans were enough. My companions and mentors helped to show me that I have much more to offer than I had previously thought and that there is a way of working with people so that they can benefit from the experience, skills and wisdom that I have built up over the years.
There is much to be done. Firstly my website will have an overhaul, and then I will be sharing with you all the new ventures I am launching in 2016. I hope you will come along with me for the ride! One thing I learned was that we all need down time, if not simply to rest, then to let creative ideas have a chance to flow. Whatever area you work in, it’s so important to nurture your spirit and creativity. I’m thinking of installing a hammock in my livingroom for this very purpose..
I leave you now with my love. Keep in touch and please let me know your thoughts on my Facebook page!
Love and light
Shasha xxx