Mission 2016 – Full Steam Ahead!

Meditation, Retreat, self reflection, Training Courses, Yoga No Comments


Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu:
May all beings, everywhere be happy and free, and may all my thoughts, words and actions contribute in some way to the happiness and freedom of all beings.


Whilst preparing to do my tax return this morning I was side-tracked into watching an episode of Glee with my son. That slice of musical delight and positive personal drama left me with the warm fuzzy feeling it was created to produce. That didn’t help me with my tax return, but it did put me in a positive state of mind which had a fantastic effect on my productivity.

With the dawning of 2016 I have much to be thankful for. I live and work in a community of like-minded friends and family. I have a wonderful loving, supportive boyfriend and a beautiful caring son. In slightly less than two weeks I will be taking some important self-development time away from my usual environment in a space where creativity and love for the Earth we live on is paramount. We work hard and we make space and time for each other whenever we can.


As I grow through my work and reach more and more people, my boyfriend Ozz is on the cusp of public recognition as a musician and songwriter with his band April Blue. Needless to say we specialise in very different areas and we are both dedicated to our calling. Every now and then our professional paths cross and that is wonderful. However, we have to acknowledge that this year more than ever we need to assign as much time as possible to our respective missions. Both of us know this could be tough on us as a couple, as given the opportunity we’d have our cake and eat it: spend more time together AND pour ourselves devotedly into our professional concerns.

Over the past few years, what we have has grown and matured into a bedrock relationship, something that can withstand a little more challenge than a brand new affair. Nevertheless we still make the decision every day to keep loving each other, setting each other free and supporting each other’s goals. So as we prepare for a futuristic steam-train of a year, roaring ahead with plans, we trust to our love to keep us on track, trusting and allowing each other the time that we need for work and self-development.


This doesn’t preclude me from fantasizing about taking my boys on an escape to Dhamma Vihara for the open retreat my meditation teacher Burgs hosts each summer. Nothing would make me more happy than to share time in that oasis of tranquility and love in the Pyrenees with my little family. It would be having everything I love in one place! The more I live, the more I appreciate the practices of Shamanism for this reason. No other concept of reality has made more sense to me. We have an inside dream and an outside dream. Our outside dream will always be shaped by our inside dream – this is why our thoughts and visions are so important! I am dreaming a dream of a better, brighter, more conscious, more loving human race both for me and my caravan, and for all beings. For you.

Each and every thing that I do I dedicate to that end. May all beings be happy and free from suffering.

To donate to my fundraiser for my Business Development Course: The Catalyze Retreat

For more information on Burgs’ Meditation teaching & Retreats: The Art of Meditation

To hear Ozz’s band April Blue: April Blue

Give Me Time

Massage, Meditation, Retreat, self reflection, Training Courses, Yoga No Comments


In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.”Mohandas K. Gandhi

We could all use a little more time. As a yoga teacher, massage therapist and a Mother I am often giving out to others. Almost all day every day! There is an exchange that comes with this, and I am lucky to teach and massage some of the most interesting and kind people I have ever met. If you have seen me for massage or reiki or attended one of my classes, this means you! There are many of you out there who can relate to this BIGTIME.

I often take time to listen to people after class who have specific concerns they feel I may be able to shed some light on in my role as teacher and healer. I love this, and often the Universe provides me with exactly the right experiences at the right time to speak a wisdom into their lives. I cannot claim this as my own, it is available to all of us.

Amongst the adventure of my work it is important that I recognise that above all I am a student in this life. No teacher ever stops being a student. A couple of weekends ago I gave myself a two day meditation workshop with the Art of Meditation. We all need to take time out of our day to day lives and reconnect with what makes us feel alive. I recognise more and more that my life force is most nourished and centred by connecting to the Source of that divine energy through silence and meditation. The learning itself can be tiring, but the practice gets deeper and the daily rewards greater as we work it into our daily lives.

What do you do to recharge?

It has been many years since I had a whole week to myself to grow and regenerate. This is why I am going to Belize in February 2016. I know I can reach more people with a clearer, more powerful flow of energy when I take this time to build my skills, nourish my soul and focus my intent. The good people on the Catalyze retreat are fired up to make this a transformational experience personally and for our businesses. After all, we are our businesses! You can’t carry water in a broken pot.

If you have any questions about the Catalyze Retreat, my daily Practice or any of the Wellbeing Services I offer, please leave a comment here, on Facebook or Twitter.

If you would like to donate to my personal fundraiser click here: Donate to Business development retreat in Belize

Photo of me used courtesy of Feel Hot Yoga where I am both student and teacher.

Thank you so much for your kind energy!


Shasha xx

Retreat & Renew with Feel 2015

Massage, Meditation, Pranayama, Retreat, Thai Yoga Massage, Yoga No Comments
The elegant meditation space

The elegant meditation space

There is something special about working a Yoga Retreat. The Mondays, Fridays and Humpdays make way and every day is TODAY and every moment NOW. Each moment is full of potential and we begin to see ourselves and our yogis unfurl as we realise that in this time and place, any question can be asked, any asana attempted and anything is possible.

In a place like Poulstone Court in Herefordshire, wifi is conspicuously absent, and the senses breath a sigh of relief, not only due to the peace of nature surrounding and pervading the Retreat Centre, but also due to the blissful silence in the absence of portable technology. Our everyday concerns left us at the top of the driveway. Our yogic enthusiasm bubbled up and our joyful chatter did nothing to disturb the tranquility. The high ceilinged rooms are warm, expansive and inviting: full of a mindful energy.

Practice in the Barn

Practice in the Barn

Soon this was the energy with which we approached our teaching and practice, eager to learn and grateful for the healing effect on our bodies. We easily settled into a rhythm of walking the short distance through the grounds to the barn for morning, afternoon and evening practices focusing on energising, renewal, alignment and attention to detail.

Asana Clinic

Asana Clinic

In the late evening we made a natural decision to take our Bhakti and meditation practices in the beautiful high-ceilinged room in the main house. At times with an air of experimentation, and at others the outward sigh of grateful relaxation, we moved from class to class.

Dinner time!

Dinner time!

The delicious vegetarian and vegan meals that were served by the delightful Poulstone staff were anticipated and enjoyed to the full, laughter and conversation ringing through the house from the warm glow of the dining room.

Thai Yoga Massage

Thai Yoga Massage

I had the opportunity to offer Thai Yoga Massage to some of our Yogis, and it was a magical healing experience for both of us.

Cells and minds were renewed and passion for life recharged.

You would have loved it.



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